January 23, 2023

Upvest announces public availability of API specs and documentation

Juha Ristolainen
CTO & Co-Founder

We are proud to announce the public availability of the Upvest Investment API specification, reference documentation and guides.

From today you will find the API documentation, and OpenAPI specification linked from the Developers Section of our Website, or access the documentation directly at

During 2022, Upvest worked closely and privately with our clients to mature our API as they developed software using it. With that experience and our technology in place, we are ready to share what we have created with the general public so that a wider audience can understand our offering and how it can enable a new era of investment software.

Proud as we are of what has been achieved, this is only the start for our API. Product development at Upvest is ambitious and continuous. We hope that you'll enjoy seeing the fruits of our work as our API and the materials around it continue to develop, and we share new features in public.

Our mission is clear: "make investing as easy as spending money." From today everyone can see how we can work with you to achieve that Mission. With a single Investment API, you get access to our modern core-banking system, including end-to-end processes from brokerage and settlement to custody. We provide comprehensive (tech-) support, covering everything from licences and vendor management to back- and middle office. Our modular, cloud-native and scalable digital infrastructure makes it easy and cost-effective for your business to offer customised investment products. Choose from a broad range of assets like ETFs, stocks and crypto, as well as different investment solutions like fractional shares, savings plans or custom portfolios. If you'd like more information on working with Upvest Investment API, please contact us.

The successful migration of our largest investment product in terms of AuM over a single weekend is a testament to the expertise and dedication of both the Raisin and Upvest teams. We are grateful for our partnership with Upvest and look forward to continued collaboration as we work together to drive innovation in the fintech industry.

We are thrilled to have partnered with Raisin on this migration, and we look forward to continuing to support Raisin in their mission to empower individuals to achieve their financial goals. This accomplishment showcases Upvest's ability to provide robust and scalable infrastructure solutions for established players with existing asset pools.