February 1, 2021

Martin's Story

Our Founder and CEO share his journey with Notion to inspire the next round of founders and discuss his vision to make assets tradable for anyone worldwide. 

Martin Kassing
CEO & Co-Founder

Our Founder and CEO share his journey with Notion to inspire the next round of founders and discuss his vision to make assets tradable for anyone worldwide. 

"As a founder, you always have to push the boundaries." Martin Kassing, Founder, and CEO at Upvest 

Highlights include:

- Hiring exceptional people has been a learning curve.

- Whatever you do becomes an almost ‘de facto’ culture.

- If you start something massive, you have to take VC funding because you can grow faster.

Full story

The successful migration of our largest investment product in terms of AuM over a single weekend is a testament to the expertise and dedication of both the Raisin and Upvest teams. We are grateful for our partnership with Upvest and look forward to continued collaboration as we work together to drive innovation in the fintech industry.

We are thrilled to have partnered with Raisin on this migration, and we look forward to continuing to support Raisin in their mission to empower individuals to achieve their financial goals. This accomplishment showcases Upvest's ability to provide robust and scalable infrastructure solutions for established players with existing asset pools.